Saturday, August 4, 2012

Filipino Style Empanada

My wife made some Filipino style empanada today.

  • Italian sausage (ground beef usually used)
  • potatoes, cubed small
  • onions
  • mushrooms
  • diced garlic
  • raisins
Ground beef is usually used but
but we used Italian sausage instead

Remove the sausage from casing and crumble
Ingredients: Cubed potatoes, onions,
mushrooms, diced garlic and raisins
Brown the sausage then saute with the other
ingredients to make the filling
She used two different kinds, one with wheat
flour and one with white flour. This is the rolled
wheat flour
Cut dough into circles
Put egg wash around the dough and put a
spoonful of filling
Fold the dough over and crimp the edges
Also tried another shape by placing another
piece of dough on top and crimping the edges
This is the ones with the white flour dough
Baked wheat flour versions
Baked white flour versions

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