Monday, August 6, 2012

Meatloaf with Latin-Asian twist

I wanted to have meatloaf but I wanted something different and this is what I came up with.

  • ¾ lbs lean ground beef
  • ¼ lbs Chorizo
  • carrots
  • onions
  • garlic
I started with a pound of meat, ¾ lbs lean
ground beef and ¼ lbs chorizo (the Latin twist)
Chop up carrots, onions, and garlic
Mix the meat and chopped vegetables.
Add salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce ,
and Hoisin sauce (the Asian twist). I put
the mixture in circular ceramic terrines
then bake in the oven in a water bath
after they baked...
Plated with some creamy garlic
mashed potatoes that I made, and more ketchup

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Filipino Style Empanada

My wife made some Filipino style empanada today.

  • Italian sausage (ground beef usually used)
  • potatoes, cubed small
  • onions
  • mushrooms
  • diced garlic
  • raisins
Ground beef is usually used but
but we used Italian sausage instead

Remove the sausage from casing and crumble
Ingredients: Cubed potatoes, onions,
mushrooms, diced garlic and raisins
Brown the sausage then saute with the other
ingredients to make the filling
She used two different kinds, one with wheat
flour and one with white flour. This is the rolled
wheat flour
Cut dough into circles
Put egg wash around the dough and put a
spoonful of filling
Fold the dough over and crimp the edges
Also tried another shape by placing another
piece of dough on top and crimping the edges
This is the ones with the white flour dough
Baked wheat flour versions
Baked white flour versions

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Turducken Inspired Roll

Tonight's dish was inspired believe it or not by the Turducken hahahaha. For those not familiar with the Turducken, it's a turkey stuffed with a duck which is stuffed with a chicken. It was popularized by John Madden during an NFL broadcast.

  • round eye steaks
  • pork loin (I got peppercorned garlic kind, it was on sale)
  • chicken breast
  • basil 
  • jar of spaghetti sauce
  • salt and pepper
Started with round eye steaks, pepper-corned 
garlic pork loin and a chicken breast
Butterflied the steaks
Cut the pork loin into three pieces and
 then butterflied
Cut the chicken breast into three pieces, 
butterflied, then pressed to flatten
Season the steak with salt and pepper 
and add some julienne basil
Laid the chicken on top of the steak, 
added more basil, salt and pepper
Laid the pork loin on top
Had some left over bbq chicken, added 
cilantro garlic pesto, onions and basil then
lightly chopped it in a food processor.
Put a layer of the chopped chicken mix on
 top of the pork loin
Roll up the whole thing and tie with twine
Seared the roll in a dutch oven until brown
Searing all done, then prepared the sauce. 
Started with a jar spaghetti sauce and added 
some of my own seasonings as I usually do
 with spaghetti sauce. Don't ask what I put 
cause it's different every time. I season as I 
feel hahahaha, really makes repeating a recipe
hard lol. I promise I'll do a better job in 
showing spaghetti sauce in the future. For 
now, use your own or just the sauce out of the jar.
Put the seared rolls into the sauce, and simmered
in very low heat for about an hour
All cooked...
Cut into the roll
All plated... Time to eat...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Shrimp-n-Prawn Stuffed Salmon Roll

This was dinner tonight. I've been in a "rolling" mood lately and have been making dinner with different items and rolling them up, such as pressed chicken breast. Tonight it was salmon, stuffed with prawn and cilantro garlic shrimp

  • salmon fillets, skin removed and cut into thin strips (each fillet will should make two rolls)
  • prawns (size 21-25 or bigger)
  • small shrimp (shrimp meat from your local supermarket seafood section)
  • cilantro
  • garlic
  • salt and pepper as desired
After cutting the skin off the salmon, cut the fillet into thin strips, roll the salmon and tie with twine.
Place a prawn at the base of the roll...
Create a pesto with cilantro and garlic, mix
with shrimp and stuff into the roll
Over stuff the roll...
Three rolls ready to cook...
Cooking... steaming on stove top...
Plated, almost done, just need to remove the twine
Ready to eat, salmon stuffed with 
prawn and cilantro garlic shrimp