Thursday, December 20, 2012

Smoked Paprika Pork Belly Roast

My brother makes this great pork belly that he put on the rotisserie in his bbq. I wanted to try and come up with a pork belly dish that I could cook in the oven. The ideas just slowly came to me as I began to prepare the meat. I put the garlic to help season the meat and I just used smoked paprika on the deviled eggs, I really liked it, so decided to use that. The resulting dish was very moist and flavorful meat and crispy skin. In the future though, I would probably roast the garlic first before putting it on the meat to infuse it's flavor more into the meat.

  • pork belly
  • garlic cloves
  • smoked paprika
  • salt and pepper
We start with pork belly. You may not be able to get pork belly from your local supermarket but you can try and ask the butcher. We get ours from an asian store.
The pork belly should have the skin still attached to it.
Cut slits into the meat and insert whole peeled
garlic cloves. Place about 6 to 8 cloves of garlic
Season with salt and pepper
Liberally sprinkle smoked paprika all
over the meat side of the pork belly.
Roll up and tie with twine
the look from the other side of the roll
place the roll on a rack
Brush on oil on the pork belly skin. Place the rack in a pan and place in the stove. Put watch in the pan. Roast at 375° for 60 to 90 minutes then raise the temperature to 500° for 20 to 30 minutes to crisp up the skin.
During the whole roasting process, use a spray bottle and spray the whole skin with water. This will make the skin come out more crispy.
Cut the pork into slices. The result is a very moist pork meat with hints of smoked paprika and crispy outer skin.

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