Thursday, September 27, 2012

Filipino Style Spaghetti Sauce

Tonight, our niece and nephew came over to learn to cook my version of Filipino style spaghetti sauce. They cut the mushrooms. They cut the onions, even experienced crying cause of the onions, LOL. They even help make homemade pasta.

Spaghetti sauce is one of those items that I have no measurements for. I learned to make it by taste and with practice. Over time you just get a feel on how much to put and of what items.

  • garlic
  • ketchup
  • jar of store spaghetti sauce (we use Ragu)
  • onions
  • mushrooms
  • mild Italian sausage
  • ground beef
  • ground pork
  • oyster sauce 
  • salt and pepper
Ingredients: garlic, ketchup, Ragu spaghetti sauce, onions, mushrooms, mild Italian sausage, ground beef, ground pork

Brown the meats
Our nephew helping to cook dinner
Our niece's turn to stir
Mixing all three meats together
After meat has brown, add onions and garlic
add Ragu sauce and ketchup and salt and pepper
add oyster sauce
add the mushrooms
add a sweetener, such as sugar, we used Stevia. Simmer on low heat for one to two hours, until the sauce has turned from bright red to a darker red
the finished product...